Web Development

Web Development

Welcome to Your Path to Web Development Mastery

Our Web Development course is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge needed to create modern, responsive, and feature-rich websites. Whether you're a beginner or experienced coder, this comprehensive program covers everything you need to know to become a proficient web developer.


HTML and CSS Fundamentals:

  • Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 for creating the structure and styling of web pages.
  • Hands-on exercises to build static web pages and understand CSS layout techniques.

JavaScript Programming:

  • Fundamentals of JavaScript programming for adding interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites.
  • Introduction to DOM manipulation, event handling, and JavaScript frameworks/libraries.

Frontend Development Tools:

  • Overview of frontend development tools such as Bootstrap, Sass, and npm/yarn.
  • Techniques for optimizing code, managing dependencies, and automating workflows.

Responsive Design and Mobile Development:

  • Principles of responsive web design and techniques for building websites that adapt to various devices and screen sizes.
  • Introduction to mobile-first design and frameworks like React Native for building mobile apps.

Backend Development with Node.js:

  • Introduction to server-side programming with Node.js and Express.js.
  • Building RESTful APIs and integrating backend services with frontend applications.

Database Management:

  • Introduction to databases and SQL for storing and managing application data.
  • Hands-on experience with database design, querying, and CRUD operations.

Security and Performance Optimization:

  • Best practices for web security, including authentication, authorization, and data validation.
  • Techniques for optimizing website performance, including minification, compression, and caching.

Deployment and Hosting:

  • Strategies for deploying and hosting web applications on various platforms, including shared hosting, cloud platforms, and serverless architectures.

Version Control with Git:

  • Introduction to version control with Git and GitHub for managing code repositories and collaborating with other developers.

Capstone Project:

  • Apply your skills to a real-world web development project, from conception to deployment.
  • Showcase your proficiency in frontend and backend development through a portfolio-worthy project.

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